Rali Printex
Flex Printing Services, Printers, Printing & Stationaries, Printing Press, Rubber Stamps, Stationaries, Stationary Stores, Xerox Shops / 583 views
Rali Printex the only printing and stationary shop in Deizephe village that offers services as photostat, photocopy, xerox, book binding, flex printing, spiral binding, computer typing, lamination, Mug printing, rubber stamp and seals, screen printing, banners, etc..
Local opposite to Deizephe playground and near High School the Rali Printex serves the most required needs of the students and people in and around the village.
#Rali Printex Deizephe village, Near Playground #xerox shop in Deizephe #stationary #flex printing #lamination
- Timing : 8:00AM to 6:00PM
- Working Days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday