Pantaloons Dimapur
Apparels & Accessories, Bags & Luggage, Belts & Wallets, Clothing Store, Garments, Ladies Bags & Purses, Ladies Dresses, Lifestyle Accessories, Pants, Shirts, Shoes, Showroom, T-Shirts, Trousers, Winter Wear / 1078 views
Looking for luxurious clothing and apparel!! In Pantaloons we have designer garments and apparel for men and women of all age in both formal and causal clothing as well as life style accessories.
#Pantaloons Dimapur #Clothing Apparel #formal cloths #causalwear #PantaloonShowroom dimapur #garments in Dimapur
- Timing : 9:00AM to 7:00PM
- Working Days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday