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Glance Fashion & Home, a store for elegant outfits both for ladies and gents.

Founded and managed by well experienced and qualified fashion designer the store houses the most beautiful collections in garments, footwear, life style accessories, Home decors, etc…

They are well know for their custom designing for various occasions including wedding dress / wedding gowns, party dress, fancy dress, etc..

#Glance Fashion store Duncan Dimapur Nagaland #Fashion & Home #wedding dress #shoes #ladies leather bags #clutches #dress #ladies tops #trousers #flats #blazer #artificial flower #nighty #home beautification #sneakers shoes #canvas shoes #belt #earring #nickles #bracelets

  • Timing : 10:00AM to 6:00PM
  • Working Days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Contact Details

Glance- Fashion & Home, Opp. Stepping Stone Montessori School, Tajen Ao Road, Duncan Bosti,Dimapur,Nagaland,797112 +91-6909618482

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